Gas phase filter ChemControl Pellets CCP 610 Viledon │ Freudenberg Filtration Technologies
ChemControl Pellets

CCP 840+

Reliable solution against odors and corrosion

CCP 840+ are used in a wide range of applications for the filtration of gaseous contaminants, covering acidic gases. They consist of a 50 : 50 by volume mix of CCP 310 and CCP 640 to provide an excellent combination of their respective properties in terms of chemisorption. 

Applications Features
Article Face velocity
Bulk density
Removal capacity for H2S
of own weight (%)
Box dimensions (L x W x H) [mm] Nominal diameter [mm]
CCP 840+ 0,3 - 2,1 620 35 320x320x340 3,80; 4 x 8


Viledon® Chemcontrol CCP-840+ pellets are the solution of choice for the filtration of acidic gases in highly corrosive environments, such as the pulp & paper industry and waste water treatment plant. They are particularly effective in removing hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide, as well as chlorine.

  • Waste water treatment plants

  • Waste recycling plants

  • Pump stations

  • Biogas production plants

  • Pulp and Paper Industries


CPP 840+ pellets are used for the filtration of airborne contaminant gases such as H2S, SO2, Cl2, Mercaptans, and ClO2.

  • They consist of impregnated extruded activated carbon and activated alumina, which allows chemisorption of corrosive acidic acidic gasses. 

  • CCP 840+ pellets provide very low resistance to airflow and long service life.

  • Typically used in combination with vapor adsorber systems to protect electronic equiptment in control rooms, instrument rack rooms, and motor control centers (MCC's). 

  • Has the ability to remove low concentration of odors. 

Overview of the gas phase filters ChemControl Pellets CCP 840+

Gas phase filter ChemControl Pellets CCP 840+
Harmful gases can arise in a wide variety of processes. They affect both working conditions and equipment. Harmful gases are associated with foul odours and health risks. They can also lead to corrosion, especially on sensitive electronic equipment. This can require repairs, increase operating costs and encourage downtime. To protect your employees and processes, individual filtration systems are suitable for safely removing harmful gases from the air. CCP 840+ gas phase filter pellets prevent odors and corrosion caused by acid gases. 

Areas of application for CCP 840+

Numerous industries depend on the removal of harmful gases and use CCP 840+ pellets for gas phase filtration. These include, for example, the pulp and paper industry and waste water treatment plant. Gas phase filters such as CCP 840+ Pellets are also used in  pump stations, biogas plants, and waste recycling plants.

CCP 840+ Pellets gas phase filters and their advantages

CCP 840+ are suitable for removing the harmful gases hydrogen sulphide, sulphur dioxide, other sulphur oxides and Chlorine. They are also convincing in the filtration of high levels of odors and in highly corrosive environments as in case of waste water plants and pump stations. They can also be used for the removal of acidic gases from biogas. The porous structure of the ChemControl Pellets CCP 840+ achieves high efficiency over a long lifetime.